
Thursday, October 26, 2017

are you using this blog to prep for Friday's quiz?

...If so, congrats! The following information will help you to answer an extra-credit question:

A gallon of emulsion costs $77.25

good luck! :)


You may use two papers DURING the quiz, to help you figure out the answers:

1. the burning demo worksheet (handed back Thursday)
2. your First Print Practice handout

...If you don't have one or both of those, and/or you want more info to help you understand concepts-- here are items that will help you study! The (correct answers to burning demo questions,) and the previous blogposts on burning (part ONE, part TWO, part THREE (incl. how to prep a burned screen)), the posts on printing (part ONE, and part TWO which includes how to clean) and you'll be just fine.