
Friday, October 13, 2017

TYPO-GRAPHIC TEE - rough draft worksheet

...You got this rough draft sheet today. I'll (probably) (maybe) be posting more about the design guidelines, but if you LOST the handout,

(in PDF format, as usual, so that you can print it out for yourself.  -NOT in class, though)


First, BRAINSTORM IDEAS. Read through the guidelines and decide what direction you want to go it (typographic illustration, or a design made up of type and graphics, etc)

Then, decide which idea you want to go with. Now, read more of the instructions :) (like, your choices for # of ink colors, maximum size of stencils, etc), and sketch it as a little rough draft onto the shirt outlines of the handout. 

* remember that just because the blank tshirt is short-sleeved doesn't mean yours has to be! Could be long sleeve, tank top, sweatshirt, etc

* you don't need to have an extremely detailed drawing, nor should it be so simple or rapidly drawn that I can't tell what it is... because

the purpose of this handout is so that I can SEE what you want to create, so your concept/creation can be APPROVED before you move onto making the artwork!

* also remember: your artwork for this tshirt design can be drawn by hand, created on software, or both (again... read your handout! :)