
Friday, December 1, 2017

How to save a photo FILE, not a THUMBNAIL...

If your submitted photos are labeled by me as "too small", but you feel you followed instructions on searching/finding the proper image size... it could be you are saving the THUMBNAIL of that image and not the full file.

Let's find out.

1. Are you doing a google search? with proper Size search parameters? If yes, then good. If no, then follow the instructions in the previous blogpost.

2. When a page of images comes up and you see the one you like... DON'T just right-click on it and save it.

 If you do so, you're just saving the THUMBNAIL for that image, which is teeny.

3.Instead, CLICK (or double-click, if you're trigger-happy) on the image that you want. It will open up in a box like this first:

...and then click on the "View Image" button. That will open up the full/real file on a new page, like this:

...and THEN, you can right-click, and save to your folder. Voila! Solved.