
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Welcome to Screen Printing!

It's going to be a great year! There is so much for you to learn, and so many great things to make with the talents and skills you will acquire.

If you were present the first day of the school year, you got a (VERY) brief tutorial on the process of screen printing, and the opportunity to "pull a print" that looks (almost) like this:

printed with specialty blacklight ink and glows under a blacklight

Don't lose it! You can turn this in any time from October 10th through May 30st to help your grade as necessary. If you lose it... well, it was extra credit.

It's also non-transferable (you can't collect them and turn in more than one! WRITE YOUR NAME ON YOURS!!)

Today, you joined the Google Classroom for your class period and were given an assignment to introduce yourself to me. In addition, I suggested/hinted/strongly encouraged you to check Classroom AFTER school. If you're here right now, and you kept reading, and it's still Thursday...

Congratulations, you followed instructions!! 
Good job! 

What do you win?? Well, #1, if you're doing so TODAY (Thursday), and complete the rest of what this post says to do, you will earn extra credit and thus start the year off with an A+!

If you complete this AFTER August 17, but have it done by Monday August 21, you'll get full credit for the assignment. (After August 21, your score will have a late penalty.)

 =5 pts (plus 5 additional possible extra credit points)

Linked below is a document that outlines the class policies on late work, grading, supply funds, etc. There is a copy posted on the bulletin board in class for your reference, but you can always find this document and its information here on the blog:

Screen Printing class information/disclosure 2017-18

1) Click on the above link to open the document!

2) Read through the document!! I know it's long, and a teensy bit of it will be redundant after today's discussion. But read it! You are responsible for the information therein!

3) Show it to your parent/guardian, so that he or she can also read it, and know where to find class policies and teacher contact info. In doing so, this should also introduce your parent/guardian(s) to the class blog.

4) Then, EMAIL me at:

- in the SUBJECT LINE, write "DISCLOSURE" followed by your full name and period number

- in the body of the email, answer these three questions (the answers for the first two questions are found in the Disclosure/Information document):

*  what should you do if you are late to class?

*  what is the penalty for late work?

*  did you show your parent/guardian(s) this document, and do they know where to find it?

...why email rather than answer on Google Classroom, btw? Well,  I want you to experience how you can connect with me/the class in all FOUR ways, today! (- in class/in person - google classroom - on the blog - via email) 

Annnd.... that's it! Well almost.

What else do you win? #2 By checking this post TODAY, you might get... THIS!


* Be the first to come up to me at the beginning of your class period on FRIDAY (tomorrow!)tell me you saw this on the blog, and you'll get... brownies!! As well as envious stares from your classmates, probably.

As a bonus for regularly checking the blog, every now and then, I have little random treats or rewards to give out, like above :). And if you don't see them, you can't get them! So keep checking!

Thanks for checking in! And welcome to Screen Printing! :)

You're going to do great!