
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Portfolio Cover Design

Last Friday we talked about PORTFOLIOS and how they are used in art... In this class, you will create an art portfolio to hold your screen printing papers and prints. Most of the work for screen printing is done IN-CLASS, and some of it is larger than would fit in an ordinary binder, so not only does this give you a place to keep your work... it gives you a place where you should keep it.

Rather than have a blank or randomly decorated portfolio, we start off the screen printing course with the first mini-project: Portfolio Cover Design. The purpose of this project is to:

- get your creative juices flowing and your hand drawing
- organize varying images and designs into one uniform composition
- work with ACTUAL and IMPLIED LINE 
- practice good craftsmanship

and, VERY importantly-- to learn to

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Welcome to Screen Printing!

It's going to be a great year! There is so much for you to learn, and so many great things to make with the talents and skills you will acquire.

If you were present the first day of the school year, you got a (VERY) brief tutorial on the process of screen printing, and the opportunity to "pull a print" that looks (almost) like this:

printed with specialty blacklight ink and glows under a blacklight

Don't lose it! You can turn this in any time from October 10th through May 30st to help your grade as necessary. If you lose it... well, it was extra credit.